Watch Movie Online Winter Ridge (2018)

Winter Ridge
Released September, 09 2018|Duration : 1 hours 30 minutes
DIRECTED BY : Dom Lenoir.
WRITTEN BY : Ross Owen Williams.
PRODUCED BY : Nancy Bressolles, Chris Hardman.
GENRE : Drama, Thriller.
VIDEO : 720p.
LANGUAGE : English.
COUNTRY : United Kingdom.
PRODUCTION BY : Silver Tree Pictures, Chris Hardman Pictures.
Movie ‘Winter Ridge’ was released in September 18, 2018 in genre Drama. Dom Lenoir was directed this movie and starring by Michael McKell. This movie tell story about Tearing himself away from the bedside of his coma-bound wife, a police Sergeant investigates a series of age-related murders, only to discover that time can be far more destructive and cruel than the idealistic killer……..